Brand Storiz

A unique media-Entertainment experience

Put the consumer at the center of media thinking

Brand Storiz is designed to move from a mass media logic to a logic where you reach precisely one audience, by selecting the right DOOH support, at the right time, in the right place with the right message.

The mobile data structures the DOOH device, the time of communication and the place of exposure to the message


Geo-behavioral targeting, thanks to the mobile GPS opt-in data of mobile users, to qualify the most relevant routes, as well as the high traffic times.


Rely on the flexibility of the media to select the best locations, located on the target’s mobility path.


Extension and amplification of the experience on the web and mobile, affinity targeting and call-to-action activation.

Exploit the potential of the mobile

Brand Storiz makes it possible to amplify the campaign on the mobile and engages the audience in a targeted and personalized way. An activation coupled with DOOH that boosts repetition and judiciously influences consumer behavior.

#Social Media

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